Cologne: 14.–15.05.2025 #insureNXT

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Innovators Award

We are delighted that you would like to apply for the insureNXT Innovators Award!

Please note that with this submission, you can apply for only one category. With different innovations, you can apply to a maximum of two categories. Incomplete information may unfortunately result in your submission not being considered.

The top 3 in each category will be announced in mid-March. Additionally the top 3 in each category will pitch on the Demo Arena of insureNXT on May 14, 2025.

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Before that, the registration will not be received on our end.

All fields marked with * are mandatory fields and must be filled in.
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Please note that after selecting 'Next', the registration must be confirmed by clicking 'Submit Form'.

Before that, the registration will not be received on our end.

  • Julia Wergen

    Julia Wergen Project Assistant

    Tel. +49 221 821 2040
    Mobil +49 176 12563285

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  • Thomas Kuckelkorn

    Thomas Kuckelkorn InsurLab Germany e.V.
    Senior Manager für Kommunikation, Marketing und Events

    Mobil +49 171 4115361

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