Cologne: 14.–15.05.2025 #insureNXT

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Press Releases for 2025

Nr. 1 / August 2024

insureNXT 2025 - Preparations are in full swing

Preparations for insureNXT 2025 are in full swing. Following the successful Early Bird phase, numerous companies and partners have already confirmed their participation next year. ‘insureNXT 2024 was a great success. We are taking the momentum and the good results with us to expand insureNXT 2025 even further,’ said Eva Rübhausen, Director of insureNXT at Koelnmesse, and Anna Kessler, Managing Director of InsurLab Germany e.V. A total of around 3,300 participants, 150 partners and exhibitors and a good 200 speakers took part in insureNXT 2024 on both days of the congress.

to the press release (.pdf)


  • Volker de Cloedt

    Volker de Cloedt Communications Manager

    Tel. +49 221 821-2960

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  • Thomas Kuckelkorn

    Thomas Kuckelkorn InsurLab Germany e.V.
    Senior Manager für Kommunikation, Marketing und Events

    Mobil +49 171 4115361

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